The thing I love about old homes is that they are
mysterious. We always wonder what they were like 100 years ago. What kind of
decor and furniture? What were the tenants wearing when they walked through
the rooms? Were they business men or farmers? Wealthy and well known or just a
plain family?
All of the houses we looked at prior to buying this one had
some sort of remodel/add on done. I don't think any of them were in their
original state and design. Now that we are in this house and starting to tear
things apart we have other questions like, "why would you put linoleum
down on a bedroom floor?"
Seriously? It's sparkly.
And what is this? The linoleum stops part way through the
hallway and the wood is exposed.
We discovered that there used to be a wall where one of the
bathroom doors now stands. Did you need to cut it open and put 2 bathrooms
right next to each other?
Right now we are really trying to envision what the master
and craft rooms used to be. The shape of the darkened areas suggest that the
wall where the closet is did not exist. Neither did the wall separating the
two rooms. Our current theory is that it used to be one large room, perhaps
used as a dining room and that the stairs actually came down and landed in that
room not the current living room. It's typical for these older homes to have the stairs towards the back of the home or not right in the entry way (although there are a lot that have them right when you walk in the door). Maybe one day we will do some major demo and put it back how we think it may have been in 1912.