Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Closet Situation

I'm back! And I have some catching up to do! Now that blogger is cooperating with me (I guess I made more space somewhere so now I can upload more pictures!) I can get back to posting on this blog!
A few months ago I got fed up with our closet in the master bedroom and decided we needed a solution and we needed it now! The room only has 1 closet and it's not big! The house we moved out of had double the closet space so we were feeling a little cramped. So, off to Ikea we went!

This is one wall of our room that had our dresser on it. I really liked the dresser over here but this is where our new closet needed to go!

This is the existing closet. No bueno. That top bar is so hard for me to reach and with it being crammed full of clothes it was impossible for me to find my clothes!

Step 1: Move the dresser in to the closet. It fit perfectly!

Can you tell he is so excited to start to build an Ikea product??

Step 2: Repair holes in the wall caused by ripping old base boards off. 

Every time Daniel works on a project he has a little helper. I love how he gets all of his tools out!

This picture is a little blurry but you can see all of the toy nuts and bolts lined up right by the real screws!

Step 3: Assemble closet!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Slatted Window

It's been awhile since I've posted anything! I am going to try and update the blog. Now that we are living in the house projects are going a litte slower. Things take 10 times longer when you have little 'helpers'. :)
Before we moved in we knew the window in the master bedroom would need to be replaced. We plan on replacing most of the windows in the house but this one was a top priority. It was an older window with slats on the outside. There is a screen covering the slats then these 2 pieces of thin wood that slide back and forth so you can open it. One side had the slats (see the next picture) the other side didn't. It didn't have anything except the sliding wood! A perfect way for someone to break in. We actually did have someone crawl through there when we were out of town. Our friend was watching our house while we were gone and she couldn't unlock the door so she had her son climb through the window! She said it was super easy, scary!!



No slats.

From the outside. Ugly right?
We had our contractor come out and replace the window a couple of weeks ago. Just in time for the temperature around here to drop to freezing!

Removing the old one.

When they got the window out they said they found a souvenir. When these houses were built, the windows were on a pulley system. There were weights that hung down inside the walls to offset the weight of the heavy windows. He said when someone would come in and replace a window a lot of the time they just cut the cord and let the weight fall. He pulled it out for us before they closed it back up.

You can see the wheel where the rope would go through. We have seen homes that still have the rope and wheels exposed but they are usually painted over and the windows don't open/close any more. We had no idea they were in there because the new window covered them up.

Finally, our new window!

With a sliding part and screen. Hopefully no one will try to break in. :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

The finished Floors

Refinishing the floors has been our biggest project so far. It was nice that we had someone else do it and we didn't have to worry about messing it up! It took the guy about 4 days to do it and we are so happy with how they turned out! He had to sand several layers off and was working one night until 3 am! Now if I can keep them looking nice I will be happy. :)
He found a spot that needed to be patched in front of the kitchen
This is the patch over the weird secret hiding place.
Living room after day 1 of sanding.
Master on day 1
Master on day 2

Craft room on day 2

Master finished!

Love the finished living room! So different from what it looked like before!

The craft room came out the best. Remember the dark square in the middle? Gone!

Finished patch. We don't really love that you can really tell the difference between the old and new wood but what else could we have done? We are hoping the new wood wears a little and starts to blend better over time.

The hallway.
Here are the before and after photos:
I thought I should throw in some pictures of the one room we had carpet put in. Much better than the sparkely linoleum right?


Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Move

I know I have been neglecting the blog, but we are in the house! We moved in Tuesday night and I have been busy dealing with boxes. Lots and lots of boxes. Sigh. I will catch up on posts soon!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Questions

The thing I love about old homes is that they are mysterious. We always wonder what they were like 100 years ago. What kind of decor and furniture? What were the tenants wearing when they walked through the rooms? Were they business men or farmers? Wealthy and well known or just a plain family?
All of the houses we looked at prior to buying this one had some sort of remodel/add on done. I don't think any of them were in their original state and design. Now that we are in this house and starting to tear things apart we have other questions like, "why would you put linoleum down on a bedroom floor?"

Seriously? It's sparkly.

And what is this? The linoleum stops part way through the hallway and the wood is exposed.

We discovered that there used to be a wall where one of the bathroom doors now stands. Did you need to cut it open and put 2 bathrooms right next to each other?

Right now we are really trying to envision what the master and craft rooms used to be. The shape of the darkened areas suggest that the wall where the closet is did not exist. Neither did the wall separating the two rooms. Our current theory is that it used to be one large room, perhaps used as a dining room and that the stairs actually came down and landed in that room not the current living room. It's typical for these older homes to have the stairs towards the back of the home or not right in the entry way (although there are a lot that have them right when you walk in the door). Maybe one day we will do some major demo and put it back how we think it may have been in 1912.