Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Slatted Window

It's been awhile since I've posted anything! I am going to try and update the blog. Now that we are living in the house projects are going a litte slower. Things take 10 times longer when you have little 'helpers'. :)
Before we moved in we knew the window in the master bedroom would need to be replaced. We plan on replacing most of the windows in the house but this one was a top priority. It was an older window with slats on the outside. There is a screen covering the slats then these 2 pieces of thin wood that slide back and forth so you can open it. One side had the slats (see the next picture) the other side didn't. It didn't have anything except the sliding wood! A perfect way for someone to break in. We actually did have someone crawl through there when we were out of town. Our friend was watching our house while we were gone and she couldn't unlock the door so she had her son climb through the window! She said it was super easy, scary!!



No slats.

From the outside. Ugly right?
We had our contractor come out and replace the window a couple of weeks ago. Just in time for the temperature around here to drop to freezing!

Removing the old one.

When they got the window out they said they found a souvenir. When these houses were built, the windows were on a pulley system. There were weights that hung down inside the walls to offset the weight of the heavy windows. He said when someone would come in and replace a window a lot of the time they just cut the cord and let the weight fall. He pulled it out for us before they closed it back up.

You can see the wheel where the rope would go through. We have seen homes that still have the rope and wheels exposed but they are usually painted over and the windows don't open/close any more. We had no idea they were in there because the new window covered them up.

Finally, our new window!

With a sliding part and screen. Hopefully no one will try to break in. :)

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